Rotary 3131 - Project Details

24-02-2013 - 24-02-2013

Major Public Relations and Fund Raising Project - RUNATHON 2013 took place on 24.02.2013. In this event 8000 athletes participated. A corporate team run was introduced for the first time this year and it received a massive response – 2500 participants. Among the dignitaries were Mayor Mohini Lande, Mr. Prahlad Sawant (Vice President – All India Athletics Association), Ms. Kalpana Tendulkar (Observer from MSAA). Anil Sinha and Vikram Sinha – Tata Motors Ltd.) graced the occasion. Presence of DG Girish Gune, PDG Mohan Palesha, PDG Pramod Jejurikar, DGE Deepak Shikarpur, District Officers Rtn Prashant Deshmukh and Rtn Brijmohan Sethi encouraged the Rotarians

Project Details

Start Date 24-02-2013
End Date 24-02-2013
Project Cost 21
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 0
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners 25 Major donors – including Tata Motors, GKN Group, Thyssen Group, Corporation Bank, Federal Bank, etc. More than 500 sponsors from all walks of society.
Project Category Public Relations and Fund Raising