Rotary 3131 - Project Details

15-12-2018 - 31-12-2018

Our club has identified Olympic player Mr. Basant Rana as a model and utilized military campus and ground for video shooting; in which Mr. Basant Rana has demonstrated the perfect ways of brisk walking and fast walking (running). He also demonstrated what practices to be followed and what not to be followed. This exercise burns lot of calories and fit the person absolutely fit as per renowned cardiologist of the town (Pune City) Dr. M.S. Hiremath. The video shooting is of 3 minutes 16 seconds and will be circulated through various WhatsApp groups as well as through U tube. This video film will be circulated through various clubs of not our district but across many other districts and will be definitely useful to lacs of people to prevent their heart diseases.

Project Details

Start Date 15-12-2018
End Date 31-12-2018
Project Cost 150000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 240
No of direct Beneficiaries 7500
Partner Clubs --
Non Rotary Partners Indian Military
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment, Literacy