Rotary 3131 - Project Details

22-01-2019 - 23-07-2019

Cervical Cancer Vaccination project What a satisfaction when you help prevent cancer in the lives of 100 Innocent girls by using latest bio technology. President Rtn. Dr. Devidas Bhalerao Successfully completed first leg of RCP Hillside's major Global Grant project of HPV vaccination of 100 girl students of Utkarsh school today from 9 am to 5 pm, with the help of Team Prayas . Thanks to Rtn Sayali Rtn. Naik, Rtn. Pradeep Giri, Rtn. Abhay Jabde, Rtn. Aditi Rahane, Ann Urmila Dole, Annet Mansi Bhalerao for taking out time from their busy schedule and show real rotary spirit 👍 Thanks to Rtn Sharda and Utkarsh school teachers & staff for their support and hospitality.👍 It also highlighted a real power of Rotary and concept of Global grant project With a proposed contribution of Rs 90,000 from club we are able to deliver a project worth Rs 7,00,000 for two doses Out of which first leg of Rs 3,50,000 is completed today and I am happy that second leg of Rs 3,50,000 will be on 23 July 2019 ie first major project for next President 👌

Project Details

Start Date 22-01-2019
End Date 23-07-2019
Project Cost 90000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 90
No of direct Beneficiaries 100
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Prayas health organisation
Project Category Club Thrust Area, Disease prevention and treatment, District Thrust Area