Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-06-2019 - 01-06-2019

Regular fellowship is a common feature of our club to have fun and improve bonding. Every fellowship is organised with different theme to make it more interesting. However the theme of latest fellowship on 01/06/19 was very different and unique which was enjoyed by everyone. ‘Rewind the Clock’ ---- A Fellowship with a Difference Another Rotary year draws to an end and in true style and spirit , Rotary Club of Poona Downtown ended the year with a BANG with a Retro Night at the Shantai Hotel on the 1st of June,’19. Reflecting the enthusiasm and youthfulness of the Downtowners, the evening was filled with music and dance reminiscent of the 60s and 70s. The party hall was filled with lookalikes of the elegant Waheeda Rehmaan, the graceful Sharmila Tagore and the sizzling Helen and the vivacious Mumtaz and NaliniJaywant!! The gentlemen were not to be left behind in the whites of Jeetendra, the moves of Dev Anand and the likes of Prem Chopra. There was a splash of vivid colour , scarves, bows, polka dots and bell sleeves. And of course the music---- the air was filled with songs and tunes popular in those days! The games organized had the members identifying their heroes of yesteryear from just the eyes shown on the screen or identifying the movies from a part of the posters or singing lines from old favourites. Singing old advertisement jingles for long forgotten products of identifying tag lines had everyone in splits! The grand finale had Downtowners doing the ramp walk the show off their outfits and exhibit their dance moves to songs of an era gone by, but remembered with many a happy memory! The Fellowship was indeed a reflection of the camaraderie and sporting spirit of the Downtown family. Cheers to the members who participated wholeheartedly and the committee who organized a super fun filled Retro Night to remember!

Project Details

Start Date 01-06-2019
End Date 01-06-2019
Project Cost 68000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 50
No of direct Beneficiaries 75
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others