Rotary 3131 - Project Details

07-12-2018 - 09-12-2018

Our DG Dr. Shailesh Palekar wanted to have a RYLA fortnight from 3rd to 18th Dec2018. Downtown being one of the leading clubs of the District and and our youth director Pallavi Sable being Dist 3131RYLA Chair, we started with full steam and planned to have our RYLA on 7th, 8th and 9th December’18, nder the expert guidance of our Veteran Rotarians and the previous experience they had, we set out to plan an Overnight RYLA with much excitement! In a couple of meetings the work was divided and we set off. Letters were drafted for Colleges explaining the concept of RYLA and request for participation and documents were made. We personally approached colleges and appealed for participation and satisfied all queries. We got 46 participants, approximately 50% each of boys and girls. 7th Dec, the ‘D’ Day arrived and the children assembled at Poona Club South Gate. A roll call was taken and finally 46 children boarded the bus at 1.30pm and escorted by RYLA Chair Vikram Nabar in his car . They arrived at the venue at 2.30pm and settled in. DAY – 1, Friday, 7th December 2018 INAUGURATION OF THE RCPD OVERNITE RYLA BY DISTRICT GOVERNOR DR. SHAILESH PALEKAR. The Governor was most eloquent and at his training best when he so effortlessly shared the importance of language, body language, attitude ,confidence and leadership skills all in a nutshell as a prelude to the ensuing RYLA . His Speech was truly a befitting one and he offered much praise and good wishes to all of us for a very successful RYLA. He was very happy and satisfied with the arrangements made by us. ICE BREAKER GAMES – R'ann SHIREEN MASTERS. She had all the participants really into the groove by actively involving them in games that got them to loosen up and start interacting with each other. SELF DEFENCE – SHRI. SANTOSH SABLE. He really selflessly shared lots of self defence tips and showed the children the Marma points .He also demonstrated self defence manoeuvres with the children as volunteers. MANAGEMENT GAMES - P.P. RTN. MANJOO PHADKE .Our District Events Secretary ,Dist training committee member and corporate trainer had the participants working in no time. She took games for Team Building and demonstrated group dynamics through the activities she conducted. The children were very motivated and learnt lessons for life and thoroughly enjoyed. EVENING ACTIVITY. There was a variety of entertainment put up by the children themselves. They were so creative that we all were convinced they were the correct and most appropriate recipients for the RYLA. They wanted the activity to continue for longer. DAY 2, Saturday 8th December 2018 ADVENTURE SPORTS – SHRI. SANTOSH SABLE. Sir was at his training best and divided the group into teams . There was an obstacle relay race which enabled the participants to gauge their own skills and shortcomings as well as their team members. A kind of personal SWOT analysis. They learned to overcome their fears and the importance of working in collaboration and importance of team for motivation. Working together for the common good. They really sweated it out. But were elated by the lessons learnt. Especially because of the hands on learning. Truly experiential learning at its best! SAFETY CONCIOUSNESS - RASHTRIYA LIFE SAVERS. A leader being responsible for his group and community Life saving skills are so essential. There were demonstrations on CPR and very essential tips on important life saving skills was shared. LEADERSHIP – GEN. SHEKATKAR.A GREAT Leader in person to train them on Leadership, the participants couldn't have asked for more. A Param Vir Chakra Recipient to talk to them, guide them, share his own experiences with them. The Participants were absolutely charged up with his motivational speech, his presence, his achievements , his courage, his valour, his honesty, his humility, his passion, his dedication, his love for the Nation and his simplicity. A TRUE HERO! Each heart in the room was swollen with pride after his talk. They didn’t want the interaction to end! DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP – ANN. CHARU MATHUR. We all are so addicted to the Internet and our cell phones,but yet it is such an essential part of modern life. How to strike the right balance, how to stay safe online? These were just some of the topics covered. The talk left the children smarter and more aware. CONFLICT RESOLUTION – RTN. PNN IYER. Humour is the best way to open the oors especially where difficult issues are involved. Why do conflicts take place and ways to diffuse tension are such essential topics for Leaders. The points were put across in the most endearing and light hearted way that ,that itself was a big lesson on how to handle difficult and problem areas. The children were so impressed and entertained they nearly called for an Encore! But a Point very well made and Equally well received by the participants! ROTARY ROTARY INFORMATION – P. P. RTN. PALLAVI SABLE. Important Information about Rotary as an Organisation, its brief history ,its presence, its areas of focus was shared. Who are Rotarians, The 4 way test ,Important Rotary International Programmes with focus on those of interest to the youth was talked about. Lastly Rotary club Of Poona Downtown Signature projects and aims and goals of RYLA were elaborated upon. Making it a Wholesome but brief Nugget of Rotary Information. DRUM CIRCLE – SHRI. SANTOSH SABLE. This was an activity for Team Building, Coordination, Motor skills, Stress relief and entertainment .It was enjoyed very much by one and all and everyone participated wholeheartedly! PREPARATION OF SKITS – RYLA PARTICIPANTS. Random participants were put together in teams for presentation. Actual life Simulation for future leaders! They became thick as thieves and wanted to rehearse forever! SKIT PRESENTATION- RYLA PARTICIPANTS. The Presentations put together by all the groups were absolutely unique, creative and enjoyable. They had a gala time presenting and so did the Audience.They gelled together five fingers in a fist. Another absolutely hands on experience in Team building in adverse conditions ,taking it positively, enjoying and taking the task to completion and success!They learnt the fun way ! And learnt to have fun on the way! DAY 3, Sunday 9th December 2018 YOGA & MEDITATION – RTN. P. P. NEERU GOEL. An expert session by an expert teacher, Shisya of none other than the famous Yogacharya Baba Ramdev. The participants were absolutely engrossed in the beautiful way the secrets of Yoga and Pranayam were shared with them and they all actually learnt the practices. A truly Holistic training for life covering Mind and Matter and touching The spirit! CONFIDENCE BUILDING – MS. AASHIMA AGASHE. A very important trait for any leader, it was handled very deftly by Aashima .Her eloquent and gentle talk had the children mesmerized. Very important points and repeatable examples were shared by her. She was a live example with her poise and vast experience! They were really feeling Confident after her talk. 5 ATTITUDES FOR SUCCESS – P.P. RTN. PRAMOD DESHMUKH A Master Trainer who actually has trained thousands in sales and marketing in corporate and in Rotary. The varied industry experience contributed in making this session the cherry on top, or the grand Finale for it all adds up to how successful you are. The presentation was replete with anecdotes, examples, relatable language and humor and serious talk in Pramod’s rich Baritone voice. The talk was very impactful and the participants had learnt the 5 attitudes for Success verbatim at the end of the Talk! VALEDICTORY – P.P. RTN. ANIL GOEL He gave a very nice guiding talk to the participants ,effortlessly sharing his experiences. A true and humble leader who walks the talk was what the participants experienced! VOTE OF THANKS & PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATES RYLA Chair Vikram Nabar gave the vote of thanks and the Certificates were distributed to the very deserving RCPD overnight RYLA Participants! After a Sumptuous Lunch the participants were safely dropped back to Poona Club, with promises to meet again and requests for more and longer RYLA Program Rotary Club Of Poona Downtown Overnight RYLA was a SUPER SUCCESS as all the aims and objectives of RI to conduct a RYLA Program were achieved in ample measure!!!

Project Details

Start Date 07-12-2018
End Date 09-12-2018
Project Cost 164541
Rotary Volunteer Hours 600
No of direct Beneficiaries 46
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category District Thrust Area