Rotary 3131 - Project Details

05-01-2019 - 05-01-2019

Trek to Fort Vasota – Outdoor activity for Fun, Fellowship and Team building Summary – Combination of a trip, fellowship, journey together; and hectic + tricky trek built spirit of togetherness and created trust and bonding amongst members, at family level. Instead of routine picnic, we decided to raise the bar and systematically designed a trek and setting that it compels members to not only spend time with each other over fellowship and have fun, but also face some tough situations where they need to help each other, trust each other, go through difficult task together thereby creating mutual trust, relationship, and bonding on lasting respect and values. This is how we achieved it and what makes it very different, innovative and rich Fellowship activity of the year: Instead of normal, “for fun” picnic, we chose an offbeat location – Fort Vasota 1) It included travel by road, water and then trek. It included from very basic food at top of fort to fellowship on return journey enriching member experience 2) It’s doable for all, but not very easy trek. It gave lots and lots of opportunities to interact, know each other more in informal setting – very important for a new club 3) Based on expert knowledge of fort and trek, the situations were created over long hectic trek where members have to collaborate each other, motivate each other, cross hurdles wit each other’s help. 4) Combination of various factors - surprises, pain of journey, hard work and tiring efforts, pleasant experience through journey, sharing and planning of consumption of water, food, supporting struggling members etc – made this outdoor activity no less than a proper outdoor management training and team building activity which bolstered Rotary image and affection Overwhelming majority of members of our club participated with spouse and kids. Everyone enjoyed, had fun came back with at least 10 new, very close friends. Each now know whom to call in time of difficulty, who is trust-worthy and helpful than relatives and neighbours… a true fellow Rotarian. On return, we appealed members who enjoyed and learnt from this trek to donate for Polio and everybody put in something in End Polo box.. … Well, Fellowship also generated funds for service. Isn’t it bestest and innovativest Fellowship activity??

Project Details

Start Date 05-01-2019
End Date 05-01-2019
Project Cost 60000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 540
No of direct Beneficiaries 42
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others