Rotary 3131 - Project Details

19-01-2019 - 19-01-2019

Our governor Dr Shailesh Palekar gave us (RCPD) the lead responsibility of hosting this event with the cooperation of the co-host RCs of Pune Central (Pres Ravi Kapur), Kothrud (Pres Nutan Bankar) and Lokmanyanagar (Pres Vasavi Mulay). The convener was our own PP Pallavi Sable (RCPD Youth Director) and Rtn PP Niraj Mehta (District Youth Director), who ably supported her. Over a series of meetings the agenda including time-table and speakers and judges for the event, volunteers, breakfast & lunch menus, gifts & mementoes, seating and hall decorations, etc were worked out. The conference venue was YMCA, Quarter Gate, Pune. It started with registration and breakfast at 8.30 a.m., went through five sessions and ended exactly at 3.00 p.m. as planned. Almost the entire programme was conducted in Marathi with our R’ann Meena Latey who compeered the event with aplomb! About 330 Interactors and their teachers from Interact clubs sponsored by 17 Rotary Clubs formed the large audience. Our club was represented by about 25 Interactors from St John’s School (Nandita Nabar) and the two Mahatma Jyotirao Phule Schools for Girls and Boys (Anil Latey) with respective teachers. The Mahatma Phule girls rendered the welcome song. All children were gifted sachets with various goodies sponsored by many, including our Ashwini & Priti Malhotra. Every Interactor who attended the conference was also given Certificate of Participation. The enthusiasm of the children was matched by the young Chief Guest Mr Swanand Sathe (introduced by RCP Kothrud Pres Nutan Bankar) and the Guest of Honour, our own member Prof PNN Iyer (introduced by RCP Lokmanyanagar Rtn Vasavi Mulay), both of whom gave rousing speeches which evoked spontaneous applause of the audience. The delicious lunch (provided by YMCA) was strategically positioned between the dance (pre-) and song (post-lunch) competitions. There were 11 dance and six choral groups vying for top honours. The District Interact co-chairs Rtn Payal Bhandari and Rtn Dinkar Palaskar respectively managed the dance and song competitions. The performers were so well prepared and competitive that the examiners had a really tough task in deciding the order of merit. The judges were recognised by DG Dr Shailesh Palekar who also gave away the prizes to the award winning teams. In fact one of the judges spontaneously awarded Rs 1000.00 to the best Interact singing group! From our club honours go to Pres Subir Guha, Treasurer Probir Mitra for managing registration, and the volunteer Rtns Shailendra Abhyankar, Supriya Banerjea, Shashank Jauhri, Anil Latey, Pinky Mehmi, and Asis Ray with R’anns Urmila Abhyankar, Poroochi, Batliwala, Shikha Mitra and Nandita Nabar who performed various duties. EUPHORIA 2019 was indeed an euphoric event!

Project Details

Start Date 19-01-2019
End Date 19-01-2019
Project Cost 17000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 370
No of direct Beneficiaries 330
Partner Clubs RCs Of Pune Central, Kothrud, and Lokmanyanagar
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others