Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-07-2018 - 28-05-2019

The project involves training underprivileged people in making 25 kinds of multi-walled bags out of old newspapers and helping them sell the bags to local shops. Since inception, >10,000 people have been trained in 700+ workshops producing >100 million bags, generating US$ 3 million revenue. This has enabled 7,000+ people to earn upto Rs.5,000/month. Over 5,000 shops regularly use these bags. The bags are pasted with stickers carrying messages about Rotary programs like Polio, Aids awareness, Blood donation, Girl child protection, Road safety, Environment protection. Rotarians collect about 100 Metric tons of newspaper every year for this project. The project has spread to multiple locations in India and abroad, involving 35 Rotary Clubs, 10 Interact Clubs, 10 Rotaract Clubs and 10 Inner Wheel Clubs, and 50 other NGO’s. Companies (15 nbrs) have also taken up this project under their CSR activity. IN 2018-19, over 40 million bags have been sold by over 5,000 people, generating >US$ 1.2 million. 50+ training workshops have been conducted at various places, colleges, companies. With Pune Municipal Corporation banning use of plastic bags, the project has received a major shot in the arm. Besides direct beneficiaries mentioned above, this project has a large number of of indirect beneficiaries in the form of shopkeepers and customers who use these bags. The ongoing positive impact on the environment is significant.

Project Details

Start Date 01-07-2018
End Date 28-05-2019
Project Cost 100000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 1000
No of direct Beneficiaries 99999
Partner Clubs 35 Rotary Clubs in India and Overseas, Interact and rotaract clubs
Non Rotary Partners Other NGOs
Project Category Basic education and literacy