Rotary 3131 - Project Details

08-12-2018 - 08-12-2018

RYLA a youth generation program at Shri Balaji Ghume Intl. School Palaspe village Panvel Batch 2018 2019. on 1) Personality development 2)How to study and prepare for exams 3) Lecture on yoga and practical 4) Carrer Guidance 5) Stress Management Lectures were given by Rtn. Ganesh Singh Rajput Rtn, Dr, Rohit Jadhav Shri. Arvind Karpe from Ambika Yogashram Thane Shri, Vidhyasagar Sonawane Sr. GM Reliance

Project Details

Start Date 08-12-2018
End Date 08-12-2018
Project Cost 2800
Rotary Volunteer Hours 280
No of direct Beneficiaries 270
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic education and literacy