Rotary 3131 - Project Details

25-05-2019 - 15-06-2019

Although receiving 2000M.M. Rainfall during the rainy season, Falode village in Bhimashankar area faces drought like situation since the month of December onward. Our Club was already engaged in conducting Adult Literacy Programs in that area & so through the members, we came to know of this situation. For sustainable development of the area, our Club identified this project to be implemented in the area. An analysis of the situation revealed that the strategy to address the situation lies in a mix of being able to trap and store enough of the rain water, by creating water proofed reservoirs within or adjacent to the existing percolation tanks, this will ensure that the water trapped in the monsoons does not seep out (as it happens through the porous surfaced percolation tanks) and can be available for use in the dry summer season. The other complimentary strategy is the afforestation of barren land atop the plateau and its slopes, to help raise the water table of the plateau, which will enable perennial capability to the water wells. As part of an integrated village development plan, in the first phase, Rotary Club of Pune Metro, has taken up on itself to assist the villagers to solve their water problem. This will act as a catalyst to solve the other problems such as unemployment, low farm income, malnutrition and community health. The work on this project (deepening of wells) has already started.

Project Details

Start Date 25-05-2019
End Date 15-06-2019
Project Cost 1000000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 150
No of direct Beneficiaries 750
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Gram Panchayat, Falode.
Project Category Club Thrust Area, Water and sanitation