Rotary 3131 - Project Details

20-11-2018 - 30-03-2019

SWACCH BHARAT SUNDER BHARAT : Being a rotarian as a social awareness we had studied that basic Need of all human beings is Food, Water and sanitation, This was needed in a densly populated area like bunder road which is in the outskirts of the city, so it is mostly need of the time as populace is concerned. SO we decided to take it as a challenge as social responsibility and had shared a little bit of our efforts as a token under the banner of ROTARY for Swach bharat. This project is executed under CSR funding of M/s. Balmer and lawrie,PDG Dr. Girish Gune was chief guest for bhumipujan alongwith Director HR Balmer laurie Mr. Partho Chattopadhyaya were the honourable guest on Bhumipujan ceremony. PDG Dr. Deepak Purohit was the guest of honour, Corporators Raju Soni, Corporator Mrs. Hemalata Mhatre were present at Inaugaration Ceremony.

Project Details

Start Date 20-11-2018
End Date 30-03-2019
Project Cost 2700068
Rotary Volunteer Hours 1030
No of direct Beneficiaries 97500
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Water and sanitation