Rotary 3131 - Project Details

24-11-2018 - 24-11-2018

On the ocasion of Diwali our Club had planned a musical Program, which would be performed by our own Members, which would portray the talent of our Club. It was also planned to showcase the Charitable Work done by our Club to the audience, during this program. The main intention of the program was to build a positive image of the Club and to garner new memberships so far as the Club is concerned. All the members of the club were told before hand to ask their friends & collegues to attend this program. The program was inaugurated by DG Shri. Shailesh Palekar. Other dignitaries who were present for the program included PDG Vinay Kulkarni, DGND Rashmi Kulkarni, IPDG Abhay Gadgil and AG Deepa Gandre. In order to portray the Charitable works done by our club, a short film on such works was pains-stakingly prepared by Annet Hrittick Kadam of our Club, for which material was gathered from various past Presidents, etc, members of our club. This short film was screened in the auditorium for the audience before the start of the main program. The theme of the main program was to sing songs based on specific selected 7 (Seven) "Raagas". There were 6 singers and one Comperer, all from the Club. The Comperer gave brief information about the Raaga & also the songs based on that Raaga just before those songs were to be sung by the singers. Thereafter, the singers sang the songs. The whole program lasted for about one and a half hour. The entire audience gave standing ovation for the entire program. There were several once-more requests from the audience for several songs presented, only a few of which were accepted due to time constraints. The entire program was spontaneously praised by the audience & a few of the persons from the audience came over to the stage and voiced their praise. One such person in the audience namely Rtn. Ms. Sonal Patwardhan of RCP South, not only praised the program but also gave a sumptuous donation of Rs. 20,000/- instantaneously. Several requests for membership were received from the audience out of which 2 persons have actually been inducted as members in the club. The program was followed by dinner for all those who were present.

Project Details

Start Date 24-11-2018
End Date 24-11-2018
Project Cost 75000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 800
No of direct Beneficiaries 200
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Club Thrust Area, Others