Rotary 3131 - Project Details

21-06-2019 - 21-06-2019

Happy school project at Vaje Village, Panvel for Adivasi and village students. To improve confidence and overall personality development of students - Hand wash station was inaugarated . - Filter water is provided by installing a high grade water filter. - Scientific instruments for LAB such as Compound microscope. - Various type of chemicals, Bueretes, conical flasks, test tubes etc. for chemical lab is provided. - Sports equipment like Lezim, Drum, Cricket bats , ball, Holly ball, Mat for wrestling , Foot ball etc. is provided - Beautification of school is done by colouring whole school in artistic manner with beautiful quotes and paintings on walls were created. Lecture on Overall personality development and importance of study with character building to become a excellent citizen of INDIA is given by club President Rtn. Sh. V.C. Mhatre.

Project Details

Start Date 21-06-2019
End Date 21-06-2019
Project Cost 560800
Rotary Volunteer Hours 3960
No of direct Beneficiaries 4560
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Literacy