Rotary 3131 - Project Details

18-03-2019 - 16-04-2019

In Kondgaon Bhag shala ,Panshet, in Veer Baji Pasalkar Highschool our club has provided pipe line of drinking water .This is rural area of Panshet. This joint project has done with Bora trust and Highschool . Beneficiaries are 65 students. Expences are Rs 85,000/- .

Project Details

Start Date 18-03-2019
End Date 16-04-2019
Project Cost 85000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 36
No of direct Beneficiaries 65
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Bora trust and Veer Baji Pasalkar Highschool
Project Category Water and sanitation