Rotary 3131 - Project Details

04-07-2013 - 04-07-2013

Today our club installed India’s first solar powered T3 Tablet based RDEP unit at Hutatma Rajguru High School and Junior College, Pandavnagar, Senapati Bapat Road, Pune. The tablet has inbuilt projector and hence there is no need for separate projector system for the unit. The unit was donated to girls’ section of the school and will benefit 350 girl students. The students studying in this school are economically backward and reside in neighboring slums of Pandavnagar and Wadarwadi. The chief guests for the function were Hon. MLA Mr. Vinayak Nimhan and Senior Journalist Mrs. Vinita Deshmukh. The function started at 10.30 a.m. with inauguration of the tablet and Rtn. Biren Dharamsi explained the features of the new system and advantages using solar power to charge the system. President Rtn. Sanjay Ghalsasi explained the role of Rotary and its contribution to the society. Hon. MLA Mr. Vinayak Nimhan acknowledged the role of Rotary in serving the society. Mrs. Vinita Deshmukh motivated the students for higher education and explained the avenues to them.

Project Details

Start Date 04-07-2013
End Date 04-07-2013
Project Cost 0
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 0
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category -