Rotary 3131 - Project Details

04-07-2018 - 30-06-2019

Spoken English Training Course for unemployed or under employed, under-privileged youth to prepare them for vocation or job is being conducted conducted in partnership with an NGO named CASP (community Aid and Sponsorship Programme) and Corporate Sai Service and Accessories Ltd. ( Partnership between Rotary Club, NGO and Corporate entity). Classes for students commenced on 4th July. Classes are underway with four batches being conducted from July 18 to end of June 2019. Classes are conducted three times a week in the evening at CASP Bhavan. This is skilling course in order to improve the job prospects of underemployed youth and adults . Adults attending the course have a keen desire to learn the spoken language -english in order that they can teach wards or better themselves to match the english speaking standards of children. There have been a large number of success stories with many students getting better jobs.

Project Details

Start Date 04-07-2018
End Date 30-06-2019
Project Cost 300000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 3120
No of direct Beneficiaries 100
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Community Aid and Sponsorship Programme (CASP) NGO, Sai Service and Accessories Ltd (CSR) contact.
Project Category Basic education and literacy, Others