Rotary 3131 - Project Details

23-04-2019 - 22-05-2019

RC Patalganga in association with Jan Shikshan Sansthan organised Training on Beauty to adiwasi girls of village near Rasayani. 20 Adiwasi girls were given training on beauty parlour course. with this training these girls will be able to join any Parlour as assistance and earn on their own. They become independent and raise their standard of living. These girls were made to pay Rs.250 as nominal charges for the course. The grampanchayat and villagers appreciated the efforts taken by Rotary to raise awareness and provide training to underpriviledged girls.

Project Details

Start Date 23-04-2019
End Date 22-05-2019
Project Cost 200000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 10
No of direct Beneficiaries 20
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Jan Shikshan Sansthan
Project Category Basic education and literacy