Rotary 3131 - Project Details

03-08-2019 - 03-08-2019

Pradhikaran club members were participating in this joint event organised by Pimpri club. About 10 members attended in the batch of 50 participants which also included students from D Y Patil college. Trainers were from the Kothrud club who have been very active since 10+ years and this area and eager to share their expertise. Event covered the importance of making Shadu Ganapati in order to avoid water pollution. Sadhu is a natural clay which dissolves easily in water and avoids pollution harming the marine life which happens due to the POP based Idols used. Trainers were well versed hence they started the process about two days in advance by mixing the clay powder and water. Several tips were given to make the idol and audio visual was also provided. Decorating material and timelines to color the idol was also clearly mentioned.

Project Details

Start Date 03-08-2019
End Date 03-08-2019
Project Cost 3000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 50
No of direct Beneficiaries 100
Partner Clubs Pimpri, Nigdi, Akurdi
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others