Rotary 3131 - Project Details

20-08-2019 - 25-08-2019

Every year Rotary Club of Kharghar Midtown, conduct workshop on Eco Friendly Ganesha Idol Making. This Project is getting done in different series, at different school or places. Our Own enthusiastic Ann Sheetal Waray have been conducting it since last few years. This time she has done at Morbi ZP School on 20.08.19, Bhoomi Heights society on 24.08.19, and for own Rotarian family at Manu Smruti, Senior Citizen Home on 25.08.19. All workshops were conducted in Kharghar.

Project Details

Start Date 20-08-2019
End Date 25-08-2019
Project Cost 2100
Rotary Volunteer Hours 210
No of direct Beneficiaries 152
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Club Thrust Area