Rotary 3131 - Project Details

12-09-2019 - 12-09-2019

As all of us are aware , during the immersion of Ganapati idol , many of the water bodies get polluted due to harmful materials used for making of Ganapathi idol particularly POP . This takes several days for dissolve in the water as well as water gets polluted due to various chemical composition. RCKP in association with Rotaract club of Koregaon Park and Agrasen Hosing society came forward to celebrate the Ganapati festival in ecofriendly way . All the society idols immersed in makeshift water pond within the society premise . Rotract Club of Koregaon Park displayed a banner in the society, pledging member to celebrate the festival in eco friendly way.Many of the society members signed over the banner pledging the same.

Project Details

Start Date 12-09-2019
End Date 12-09-2019
Project Cost 4000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 30
No of direct Beneficiaries 25
Partner Clubs Rotract Club of Koregaon Park
Non Rotary Partners Agrasen Housing Society , Koregaon park
Project Category Water and sanitation