Rotary 3131 - Project Details

07-07-2019 - 30-09-2019

Setting up the Vegetable garden at Bal Kalyan Sanstha, in Pune,for the SPECIAL students, to feel the vegetables, develop experiences to comprehend Nature and inculcate good health habits. The Oxy rich and Medicinal-value trees will further enhance health, ambience and environment at Bal Kalyan Sanstha, a school, an institution for SPECIAL children.

Project Details

Start Date 07-07-2019
End Date 30-09-2019
Project Cost 8500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 160
No of direct Beneficiaries 1365
Partner Clubs Rotaract Club of Mitcon Institute and Rotaract club Of D.Y. Patil college
Non Rotary Partners The Bal Kalyan Sanstha at Ganeshkhind Rd., are beneficiaries and partner, as the own the premises, where the Veg Garden (sensory) is set up, by our club, RCPSC.
Project Category Club Thrust Area