Rotary 3131 - Project Details

09-07-2019 - 09-07-2019

A special guidance session and awareness lecture on the topic 'Economical ways to do farming' was organized by the Rotary Club of Pune Ganeshkhind for the farmers of Solapur district of Maharashtra. A total of 110 farmers attended this session delivered by Agriculture specialist, counselor, author and trainer, Mr. Shrikant Pohankar, an honorary member of the club. The session was conducted at Pharande Farms, an agricultural farm owned by Rtn. Ravindra Pharande at Malshiras in Solapur District of Maharashtra. About 110 farmers attended the project. The farmers belonged to Solapur district and they immensely benefited from the workshop. This is the first project by the Club in the current year and is part of the Signature project of the series 'Shetkari Melawa'. The project was done jointly with Swayamsiddh Sheti Prayog Pariwar, an NGO.

Project Details

Start Date 09-07-2019
End Date 09-07-2019
Project Cost 7000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 72
No of direct Beneficiaries 110
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Swayamsiddh Sheti Prayog Pariwar,
Project Category Basic education and literacy, Club Thrust Area, Others