Rotary 3131 - Project Details

14-07-2019 - 14-07-2019

Rotary Club of Baramati donated Cardiac & Neonatal Facility ambulance with advanced medical facility for the use of needy & poor patients. This ambulance has been donated with the help of CSR donation of Rs. 25,00,000/- received from Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt.Ltd.

Project Details

Start Date 14-07-2019
End Date 14-07-2019
Project Cost 3050000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 1000
No of direct Beneficiaries 5000
Partner Clubs Rotary Club Of Pune Central
Non Rotary Partners Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt Ltd, Shripal Hospital Baramati
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment