Rotary 3131 - Project Details

15-07-2019 - 15-07-2019

On 15 th july 2019 Rotary Club of Lonavala had organized feliciation program of toppers in SSC and HSC .STUDENTS AT SUMITRA HALLBANGARWADI LONAVALA . sponcer .for awards was Mr Ramesh Boir at 06.30 pm. Program chairman Rtn Bapu Patil and Program conducted by Rtn Ravindra Kulkarni. 30 students feliciated from Lonavala area. Our Rotarians Ann,Annets ,and awardies parents were present After program break fast and tea served to all.

Project Details

Start Date 15-07-2019
End Date 15-07-2019
Project Cost 15000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 45
No of direct Beneficiaries 30
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Mr Ramesh Bhoir
Project Category