Rotary 3131 - Project Details

07-08-2013 - 07-08-2013

Mother”s Milk is the best food in the World for the babies up to the age 6months.However many mothers do not follow this because of various reasons like lack of knowledge, overwork, unfavourable family situations, “ Figure Consciousness”etc. So there is always need to bring about Awarness in the community. Rotary Club of Daund decided to conduct an awareness Program for the women. Hence on 7/8/13 3.30 5.0 pm women of Kanishka Group,Yashswini Group, some members os self help group in Pansare Vasti, patients and their reletives from Ashwood hospital were gatherd for this function. Medical officer of Primary Health unit of Daund Dr.Mrs.Meena Bhattad was the Guest Lecturer. She delivered very informative speech in simple language on the importance of Breast feeding as well as about Breast cancer. Ann Payal Bhandari welcomed all the women while Roterian Shalini Pawar introduced the subject to all. Ann Dr.Jyoti Bamb expressed the vote of thanks.

Project Details

Start Date 07-08-2013
End Date 07-08-2013
Project Cost 700
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 0
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Breast Feeding Awareness