Rotary 3131 - Project Details

21-07-2019 - 12-09-2019

GANESH VISARJAN at vadale lake in panvel is our special highlighted award winning project . Since last four years our club manages whole proceedings during ganesh visarjan . For that our club has built artificial wall in vadale lake for preventing whole lake to get polluted during ganesh visarjan . On 21 July as a preparation of ganesh visarjan project our club members have done cleaning of that lake and we have done tree plantation there to decorate the place.

Project Details

Start Date 21-07-2019
End Date 12-09-2019
Project Cost 11700
Rotary Volunteer Hours 34
No of direct Beneficiaries 90000
Partner Clubs Rotract Club Of Panvel Central
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category