Rotary 3131 - Project Details

16-08-2013 - 16-08-2013

: The number of freedom fighters is becoming less and less and the present youth needs more motivation towards the Indian Army. It is also needed that the youth should know how our Jawans take care of our country in all fields like Army, Indian Navy and Air force. So a different idea to celebrate Independence day by honouring an Army officer by inviting him and listening to his own life story how he served our country as an army officer was planned in our club. Hon. Raghu Nambiar who has tradition in his family to be an Army officer joined army in Sikkh regimn in 1979 as Second Leut. He served our country for 32 years in different sectors and then retired very recently as Colonel from army. Mr. Raghu and his wife Mrs. Pushpa were invited by president Dr. Philemon and Shalini. Mr. Raghu and they were college friends for four years. About 50 to 60 junior college boys and girls from Seth Jotiprasad Vidyalaya, Saint sebestians High school were invited for this very special program .The lecture was so effective and inspirational that all the children were listening with pin drop silence. It was supported with Power point Presentation and the pictures were taken by Mr. Nambiar himself. A display of various Items and Medals was also very interesting . There was lot of interactions with youth. The program was over with very high level of inspiration amongst the children and respect for our soldiers.

Project Details

Start Date 16-08-2013
End Date 16-08-2013
Project Cost 1500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 0
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Blood donation