Rotary 3131 - Project Details

07-07-2019 - 07-07-2019

Rene Dubos once said, “Man shapes himself through the decision that shapes his environment.” We, at Rotary Club of Panvel Elite, decided to shape the environment by joining a Synergy project of Tree Plantation and Seed Ball Tossing with Rotary Club of Kharghar Midtown, Rotary Club of Kalamboli, Rotary Club Of Panvel Horizon and Rotary Club of Kamothe at SEAL Ashram, Nere on 07th July, 2019. Besides planting trees, this project also gave the club the opportunity to teach kids importance of tree plantation and educate them about seed ball tossing by having them engage into actual process of how it Is done. This, in the true sense, helped us inculcate the values of Rotary into young ones who could possibly grow up to be future Rotarians and nation builders. In addition to that, this project was attended by a significant number of Rotarians, Anns and Annets totaling to about 42 volunteers from our club which enabled great bonding among club members.

Project Details

Start Date 07-07-2019
End Date 07-07-2019
Project Cost 7000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 5
No of direct Beneficiaries 200
Partner Clubs Rotary Club Of Kharghar Midtown Rotary Club Of Panvel Horizon Rotary Club Of Kalamboli Rotary Club Of Kamothe
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others