Rotary 3131 - Project Details

26-07-2019 - 26-07-2019

We have organised a health checkup camp for women on Friday 26th July 2019. We received huge response to our health check up camp for detection of anemic condition of women of Chaphekar slum area.Total 60 women participated in this camp.Rtn Dr. Renu and her medical team examined these women,and advised them about health and nutrition . We destributed iron and calcium tablets and biscuits.PDG and Vice Governor Rtn Prashant Deshmukh,President Rtn Anjali Deshmukh,Padmaja Deshmukh ,Rtn Bharti Bhondwe ,Rtn Pallavi Marathe ,Rtn Smita Bhide ,Rtn Sunanda lad ,Rtn Neela Prabhakar ,Secretary Rtn Pradeep Kulkarni and Rrotractor Radhika Kulkarni and Gaitree Jadhav were present.

Project Details

Start Date 26-07-2019
End Date 26-07-2019
Project Cost 3700
Rotary Volunteer Hours 4
No of direct Beneficiaries 60
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category -