Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-07-2019 - 30-11-2019

Today over Ninety percent of India's primary age children attend school. But sadly for many children the education they receive is failing to equip them with even the most basic skills of reading and writing, and even the most basic bench mark of learning. Schools are characterised by overcrowded classrooms, poorly trained teachers and rote learning. Play in the early ages has profound and lasting influence on Childs health, well-being and long term development. Fifty years’ studies of UNESCO have shown, early play experience to shape up Childs physical growth, capacity of learning, chances of finishing college, future employability and even income. A Childs educational experience of early childhood, must comprise of a) Cosy corners to play b) Caves to hide c) Trees or poles to swing from d) Jump from elevated space e) Balance on narrow strip f) Play with mud and water. Frugal Innovations in space can bring in an experience in children which can trigger responses, which inculcate the basic social value system of discipline, caring, sharing, patience, risk taking ability. TOTAL WORK DONE AREA OF PLAY SPACE: 25 ft x 55 ft= 1375 SQ ft NUMBER OF CHILDEREN IMPACTED: 225 AGE OF CHILDEREN: 2.5 yrs to 10 yrs DESCRIPTION OF WORK DONE 1) Tyre Play Equipments : 8 nos a) tyre wall. b) tyre snake. c)monkey jhoola . d)tyre bridge. e) tyre tree. f) tyre roly poly slide. g) tyre swing 1. h) tyre swing 2 with climb up ladder 2)Interactive pathway 3)Courtyard with interactive flooring with numbers, alphabets and black surface for learning through built space. 4) Perf0rmance Stage with curved wall to enable small cultural performance by children 5)Stepped peekaboo wall for kids to climb and to play 6)Curved wall with tree plantation for small group activities, like story telling. 7)Stone sitting area along the wall in shade, for kids to interact with each other freely. 8)Painting the balwadi building inside and outside. Blackboard paint on floor and wall for kids. 9) Tree and shrub plantation of the whole vadachi vadi prathmik shala.

Project Details

Start Date 01-07-2019
End Date 30-11-2019
Project Cost 600000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 500
No of direct Beneficiaries 200
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Baker Gauges Pvt Ltd
Project Category Basic education and literacy