Rotary 3131 - Project Details

14-11-2019 - 30-12-2019

Rotary Club of Koregaon Park Initiated the Project Fight Childhood Obesity campaign to create awareness about the obesity among the children and health risk associated with the obesity. Reportedly, by 2025 as per WHO, India will have over 17 million obese children and may stand second among the 180 countries . This is very alarming situation and needs to be tackled at early stage so that reversibility is easy. RCKP in its endeavour to spread the awareness among the children , has took initiative and conceptualised Fight Childhood Obesity Campaign in the year 2017. RCKP prepared a documentary titled ZERO LIFE . This film educates the viewer about the obesity, the cause, consequences and prevention . As a Pilot Project, RCKP initiated this campaign at District Level and involved large number of Schools. In the year 2018 a drawing competition held at various schools at district level and almost 15000 School children participated in this event . Next step RCKP wants to sale up and take this campaign to the state level. Towards this , a Mega Drawing competition being organised for the students all over the state from 14th November (Children's Day) to 14th December 2019 . Drawing Competition broadly categorised under four topics - 1) Good and Bad Foods 2) Bad Effects of Obesity on Health. 3) My Favourite Game . 4) How to prevent Obesity. We wish to reach most of the schools in the state of Maharastra. Our partners In this Endeavour are JT Foundation, Obesity and NCD Task Force , Govt of Maharastra, Navneet Foundation and various Rotary Clubs .

Project Details

Start Date 14-11-2019
End Date 30-12-2019
Project Cost 800000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 9000
No of direct Beneficiaries 99900
Partner Clubs Various Rotary Clubs
Non Rotary Partners JT Foundation Navneet Foundation NCD task Force , Govt of Maharastra
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment