Rotary 3131 - Project Details

12-09-2019 - 12-09-2019

District synergy project for a drive against water pollution. Total 10 clubs in Panvel did synergy project of collecting nirmalya at Ganpati idol visarjan Lake. At Adai lake RC Panvel midtown memebers assembled to collect nirmalya. President Vikram Dhumal, Secretary Shripad Vaishampayan, Rotarian Ajay thakur, Ann Minal Dhumal, Ann Shilpa Chandane, Rtn. Prasad Deshmukh , Rtn. Sanjay Zemse, Ann Savita Zemsewere present. IPP Snajeevani Malvankar coordinated with district officers for arrangements at various venue. With the help of Panvel Municipal corporation workers we collcted nirmalya from 5 p.m. till 9:30 p.m.

Project Details

Start Date 12-09-2019
End Date 12-09-2019
Project Cost 0
Rotary Volunteer Hours 60
No of direct Beneficiaries 200
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category -