Rotary 3131 - Project Details

14-11-2019 - 14-11-2019

Happy School We completed our Happy School project in Z P Primary School Nanded at Nanded Phata on Thursday 14th November 2019. DG Ravee Dhotre graced the occasion as The Chief Guest. We started the function by welcoming the guests. Rtn. Madhuri explained the idea behind the Happy School project. RCPS started this project by donating library books as well as a science kit to the school . President Anjali & Literacy Director Madhavi Vaze expressed their thoughts . DG Ravi Dhotre ह्यांनी आपल्या नेहमीच्या खुमासदार शैलीत मुलांशी संवाद साधला. Headmaster Bagul Sir thanked RCPS for all the facilities which have been made available to them . The program was concluded by handing over two toilets, a water filter, a computer and sports equipment at the hands of our DG . A big thank you to all the Rotarians & anns who supported our TEACH team by taking part in the celebration.- Rtn Madhuri Gokhle

Project Details

Start Date 14-11-2019
End Date 14-11-2019
Project Cost 250000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 128
No of direct Beneficiaries 300
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic education and literacy