Rotary 3131 - Project Details

23-11-2019 - 23-11-2019

Children bliss project was completed on Saturday 23rd November at Supe around 70 km from Pune Which is attended by 12 members from RCPS members The project was jointly executed by RCPS and SCAW , the Canadian social organisation Today we have distributed 998 sleeping and educational kits to 998 school children from 38 schools RCPS dynamic team Prez Anjali , Secretary Ashvini , Vinubhau , Dr Rao , Harsh , Vikrant , Ajay Anjali , Sandeep ,, Pratap , Nitin Shilpa , attended the project and assisted the distribution team from 10 30 am till 4 pm without break . kudus to whole team and RCPS

Project Details

Start Date 23-11-2019
End Date 23-11-2019
Project Cost 150000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 112
No of direct Beneficiaries 998
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic education and literacy