Rotary 3131 - Project Details

24-08-2019 - 24-08-2019

An appeal was made by one of our Rotary member regarding giving helping hand to the people who are very badly affected due to heavy floods in Maharashtra , specially in Kolhapur & Sangli. Accordingly, we donated Rs. 21000/- for this noble cause. ( Humanitary & Community services in real sense.) A team from Swami Samarth Dnyapeeth ‘s Sahyadri National School gone to various remote places in Sangli & provided food/clothing/sanitary napkins to the affected families there. Each family had provided with : 5 kg wheat & jowar flour 5kg rice 2 kg toor/moong Dl 1 kg besan flour 1 kg sugar 2 packets of oil, salt, masala & other such necessaries..

Project Details

Start Date 24-08-2019
End Date 24-08-2019
Project Cost 21000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 5
No of direct Beneficiaries 500
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others