Rotary 3131 - Project Details

02-09-2013 - 30-09-2013

Youth Military Training Program held at Sai Seva Dham, Kanhe Phata, Mumbai Pune Highway, Pune on 21st September 2013 The rural youth often are not educated beyond 10th standard. This severely limits their opportunity to be employed. Further, opportunities to pursue Sports are very less & infrastructure for physical fitness and sports, are virtually non-existent in villages. Thus lack of employment & non availability of sports often drive the youth to despair & further to addiction or crime. The aim of this camp is to provide information about military Career to young people. The training imparted during the project duration will make the candidates fit for selection in military. About 200 youths have registered themselves for the training that will be conducted during the project tenure. These youths are basically from the surrounding villages near Khane Phata. 8 Rotarians and 2 Anns and 1 Anna attended this program. • Col. Shashikant Dalvi, Brigadier Madhukar Prachand were the guest speakers of the event. • Ex- Police Commissioner Mr. Vikram Boke inaugurated the event. • District Youth Director Rtn. Deepak Vani also attended this event. • The event is organized in collaboration with ‘Maval Vikas Mandal’ Rs. 10000/- total cost was incurred on the inaugural day of the project. The total project cost is estimated to approx. Rs. 120000/-, which will be engaged in yearly training cost and will be funded from RC Nigdi Charitable Out of the 300 people who attended this event, 176 registration forms received from the youth. Even if 5% are selected, then the program will become an on-going feature. Trust. Good publicity to Rotary witnessed by the large no of youths who have registered themselves in the training camp from the nearby villages. The no of registrations received on the inaugural day of the event is approx, 200 and more registrations are expected in the coming week.

Project Details

Start Date 02-09-2013
End Date 30-09-2013
Project Cost 0
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 0
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category -