Rotary 3131 - Project Details

30-01-2014 - 30-01-2014

1 Name of the Project PAINTING PROJECT 2 Need Assessment. (a)To project Good educative messages on walls of schools so that they are not defaced (b)Enhance public image of Rotary and create awareness of Rotary messages 3 Beneficiaries. 800 Students of Raja Shiv Chatrapati Vidylaya,Talavade. 4 Number of Rotarians participated and involved. 5 Rotarians actively participated in this project. 5 Objective: The aim was to spread awareness among children of the age group 8 to 12 years as these are the future leaders of our Country 6 Details in brief: Our Club has painted the Compound Wall of the school with messages connected with Rotary themes such as save water, immunization, Mother and Child care, environment etc Our club spent Rs.15000 on this project. 8 Enhancement of Public Image and Publicity in Community. Good appearance of School walls and positive impact on the children of the school. Print to

Project Details

Start Date 30-01-2014
End Date 30-01-2014
Project Cost 0
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 0
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category -