Rotary 3131 - Project Details

03-10-2019 - 03-10-2019

Todays youth is highly susceptible to new-age addictions & substance abuse. Mobile games , Gutka are some of them,Information & access to these substances are so easily & freely available that young children fall prey to these addiction. To create an awareness amongst youth about these addictions and to help them stay away from it , de-addict, & to live a healthy life we did an Interactive session of “De-addiction Awareness “ at Nageshwar Vidyalaya of Patas. 6 Rotarians travelled , organised and attended the project. I cannot thank enough to our wonderful host Yogendra & Smeeta for their warm Hospitality , & they have been hosting our club members since last five years. For making all the arrangements & coordinations at Patas School , for invitng the Press people to give a coverage of our project for PI . It was Because of them we had everything on the platter which includes our lunch , stay overnight. Conveyance for club members was arranged by our ever relenting , President Chandrakant Nemade. A huge thanx to him !! Conveyance of Counsellors was arranged by Aparna Mahajan. Programm was well coordinated , well organised and went off very well, student participation was great ! Thanks to Shilpa ,Prachi and Savita for coming over and helping out & participate actively. Special mention and thanks to Smeeta Shitole & Shilpa Shinde for being the Strength and Force behind this programm. Accounts: Muktangan Fees : ₹3000/ Projector : School Laptop : School Sound : School Aparna Mahajan Sponsorship : ₹2900/

Project Details

Start Date 03-10-2019
End Date 03-10-2019
Project Cost 6000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 38
No of direct Beneficiaries 250
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others