Rotary 3131 - Project Details

26-09-2019 - 26-09-2019

Mumbai-Pune Express way is considered one of the best Highways in the the country. Still there are lots accidents takes place on the express way for various reasons. Some of these accidents are fatal. By following few basic traffic rules these accidents can be avoided as well as fatality . One of them is wearing seat belts while driving . Making the commuters aware of importance of wiring seat belt while driving is the basic objective of the Project . Towards this hoarding / banner cautioning the commuter to wear seat belt has been installed on Express way. RCKP joined other Rotary clubs in the District 3131 like Rotary Club Of Pune Shaniwarwada, Rotary Club of Pune West, Rotary Club of Pune Far East, Rotary Club of Pune Downtown . This eye catching holding will definitely remind the commuters about importance of wearing seat belt.

Project Details

Start Date 26-09-2019
End Date 26-09-2019
Project Cost 5000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 100
No of direct Beneficiaries 10000
Partner Clubs Rotary Club of Shaniwarwada Rotary Club of Pune West Rotary Club of Pune Far East Rotary Club of Pune downtown
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others