Rotary 3131 - Project Details

18-08-2013 - 18-08-2013

Gateway to Board Exam, a unique Service Project was organized jointly by Rotary Club of Pune Katraj, Sakal Social Foundation, Sum Concepts and Jetking. It was designed for guidance of students who were appearing for 10th and 12th board exams. More than 300 students were present. The program started at 10 AM and was anchored by Rtn. Vivek Kulkarni of our club. He introduced the the need for the program and how the idea of holding such a program evolved. Our President Rtn. Sanjay Ghalsasi welcomed all the members contribution of Rotary International for the cause of basic education. He highlighted the work done by Rotary Club of Pune Katraj for that cause and various initiatives taken by it. Senior Educationist Dr. A.L. Deshmukh explained the nature if question paper for 10th and 12th standard board exam. He emphasized that almost all the questions and problems for all the subjects were textbook based and one who can master the textbooks can score more than 95% in the exams. He explained that that students must write and present answers in the exam keeping in mind the nature of model answer papers. He also explained the techniques of time management. Our District Governor Rtn. Deepak Shikarpur explained the concept of e learning and its importance as a supportive tool for better understanding of concepts of all the subjects. Rtn. Biren Dharamsi demonstrated the e learning software and gave tips for proper selection of the software. Educationist Jyoti Kemkar explained the method of studying as per the nature of concepts. She explained that it is necessary to study the concepts in detail for better understanding of the subject. Psychologist Smita Joshi gave psychological guidance and counseled the students. She motivated the students and urged them to avoid taking stress. Senior activist and social worker Mr. Vivek Velankar gave career guidance to students and explained them how to choose proper branch after 10th and 12th. The program ended at 1.00 PM. This program received good publicity in newspapers the following day.

Project Details

Start Date 18-08-2013
End Date 18-08-2013
Project Cost 0
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 0
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category -