Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-08-2019 - 03-11-2019

Rotary Club of Pune South has launched Shivar Osmanabadi Goat Milk Soap at the hands of Ajinkya Rahane, Vice-Captain of Indian Cricket Team. Osmanabad is a drought-prone area with a high incidence of farmer suicides. Osmanabadi Goat is a special breed whose milk has exceptional properties of skin care and nourishment. Shivar Foundation, a group of youngsters has developed Shivar Goat Milk Soap which is 100% natural and chemical-free with a view to provide additional income to Osmanabad farmers and give them hope of sustainable living. Rotary Club of Pune South through its platform 'Rotary Udyojak Mitra' has helped in branding, packaging, patenting, creating sales and distribution network and the launch of this soap. We also plan to donate goats to farmers in the Osmanabad district to create an end-to-end sustainable solution that will prevent farmer suicides. 'Rotary Udyojak Mitra' formed by Rotary Club of Pune South helps budding entrepreneurs by hand-holding in the initial difficult period and giving them guidance and concrete inputs in various aspects of their business.

Project Details

Start Date 01-08-2019
End Date 03-11-2019
Project Cost 600000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 1000
No of direct Beneficiaries 50000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Shivar Foundation
Project Category Club Thrust Area