Rotary 3131 - Project Details

25-01-2020 - 25-01-2020

Rotary Club of poona Midtown in association with Yogasadhana group organised a Yoga Competition for students of 7th to 9th class, below 15 years age. This was held at Sevasadan School hall from 10.00 am to 04.00 pm. The competition was inaugurated by Shri Kishore Amre - student of Yogacharya Ayyengar and the Guest of Honour was Rtn. Dinkar Pasalkar - District Co Director Interact clubs. Nearly 10 examiners from Yogasadhana group were judging the competition. The prize distribution was in the evening at 6.00 pm at the same venue. National Olympic Shooter Tejaswini Sawant Darekar was the chief guest. Initially she was interviewed by Rtn. Siddharth Jadhav, where in she narrated her journey to the National level.

Project Details

Start Date 25-01-2020
End Date 25-01-2020
Project Cost 35000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 320
No of direct Beneficiaries 185
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others