Rotary 3131 - Project Details

20-07-2014 - 20-07-2014

Merely blaming it on deforestation, misuse of water resources or general public’s carelessness towards today’s water crisis cannot be the solution. As the Chief Guest, Rtn Makarand Tillu rightfully said at the inauguration of ‘Patbandhaar’ bund project plus Tree Plantation Drive at Saswad, that it’s not sufficient to just talk about these issues, but to act upon them. Rotary Club of Pune Gandhi Bhavan has always been sensitive towards social problems. So when during the last Rotary year, Past Prez Ujjwala and Past Sec Girish were informed about the plight of the farmers from Saswad, the team decided to give it their best shot. Help came via our senior Rotarian Narayan Rajwade, who was instrumental in sourcing the Funds from ‘Swiss Ri’. The funds were sufficient enough (along with the contribution from the farmers) to put up two ‘pat bandhar’/ bunds along the famous Karha river. The construction was completed in record time and this will bring relief to all the nearby farmers for years to come. Complementing last year’s committee’s efforts, this years’ Service Project Director, Rtn Sudin Apte planned a tree plantation project along with the inauguration ceremony of the bunds. Prez Atul Joshi and Sec Ganesh Jadhav had already decided to collaborate with this ambitious project of “Shevga Tree Plantation” designed by Rotary District 3131 for this year. Thus on Sunday 20th July, 2014, RCPGB inaugurated the bunds and dedicated them to the villagers and along with that arranged for 500 saplings of ‘Shevga’ to be distributed to the farmers. The trees will be planted all over the village. Our members planted some of the trees at the Kasturba Trust Ashram as well. The inauguration plus tree plantation program was attended by 42 members of RCPGB.

Project Details

Start Date 20-07-2014
End Date 20-07-2014
Project Cost 850000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 999
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Mr. Jayant Mathkar
Project Category District Thrust Area, Water and sanitation