Rotary 3131 - Project Details

06-01-2020 - 06-01-2020

Skin check-up camp and Skin care lecture at Balagram, Pezari by Rtn Dr Kiran Nabar. Balagram is a orphan house at Pezari. On 6th Jan evening Rtn Dr Kiran Nabar skin specialist with President Rtn Jagdish Rane and Secretary Rtn Dilip Bhad, Rtn Janardan Chapde went to Balagram and did Skin check-up of 6 beneficiary. Also gave medicine. Thereafter Rtn Dr Nabar gave lecture on Skin-care and minimum use of steroid.

Project Details

Start Date 06-01-2020
End Date 06-01-2020
Project Cost 2500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 12
No of direct Beneficiaries 35
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category