Rotary 3131 - Project Details

19-01-2020 - 19-01-2020

we have successfully completed pulse polio NID Immunization program and We have done this project in association with Panvel Municipal Corporation with the help of students from MGM New Bombay College of Nursing . conducted at Tirtharaj Association Swami Samarth Mandir .Total 55 children s below 5 year age were administered polio drops. Snacks and food were provided to volunteers attending polio booth. Biscuits were distributed to children.

Project Details

Start Date 19-01-2020
End Date 19-01-2020
Project Cost 1500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 35
No of direct Beneficiaries 55
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Panvel Municipal Corporation MGM New Bombay College of Nursing
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment