Rotary 3131 - Project Details

15-12-2019 - 25-01-2020

Savla is a remote village at the far end of Maval Taluka, District Pune which has a population of around 600. Village is situated about 2 km away from backwaters of Thokalwadi Dam. There is heavy rain in rainy seasons when farmers grow paddy crops but after the rainy season is over, the farmers could not find any crops for next eight months due to scarcity of water though they could see the dam water in front of them. RC Nigdi decided to find a solution over the problem. The club installed a 20HP pump in backwaters of Thokalwadi Dam and laid a 6 inch pipe line of about 3 km up to the fields of the farmers. But then we realised that there is frequent power failure in this area so the functioning of pump was not possible when required. So club installed a solar panel through which the generated electricity will drive the pump. Now due to this project about 60 acres of farmland came under cultivation throughout the year. The farmers who took only one crop before are now growing cash crops (vegetables) throughout the year. This has improved economic conditions of farmers and their families. Now they don’t have to go to nearby taluka place for working as labourers. Pooja Castings Pvt Ltd Chakan was a CSR partener for this innovative project.

Project Details

Start Date 15-12-2019
End Date 25-01-2020
Project Cost 3000000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 300
No of direct Beneficiaries 6000
Partner Clubs None
Non Rotary Partners Pooja Castings Pvt Ltd Chakan
Project Category Water and sanitation