Rotary 3131 - Project Details

15-02-2020 - 15-02-2020

RCKP has planned for RYLA for the students of VVM School Andgaon , Mulshi and One more School from Uruli. This programme been organised with the association of Indian Army officers to let the students understand the Army Training and opportunities in the Army. The venue is Army Institute of Physical Training (AIPT), Solapur Road. Nothing can be more refreshing than to see bright smiles on innocent faces with sparkling eyes. RCKP organised Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) for more than 100 students with help of Army Institute of Physical Trraining, Pune. Students ran, jumped, climbed and slide down under expert supervision of the army personnel. The army personnel took immense care of the students by taking them through a challenging physical training program. Students also got firsthand experience of army training and saw stunning gymnastics and acrobatic manoeuvres of army personnel. The Commanding Officer addressed the students and educated tham about armed forces as a career option. Enthusiasm of students was phenomenal. One could hear laughter, cheer, and happy chatter everywhere. The students left the venue with a bright smile in their faces. RCKP’s mission is to spread awareness of exciting opportunities among young ones to help them make healthy choices in their adulthood.

Project Details

Start Date 15-02-2020
End Date 15-02-2020
Project Cost 25000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 150
No of direct Beneficiaries 100
Partner Clubs Interact Club, VVM School Andgaon
Non Rotary Partners Indian Army
Project Category Others