Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-07-2020 - 07-07-2020

Face Mask Distribution Project by RC Pune Metro: Face mask distribution is the dire need of the hour during the current Coronavirus pandemic. It is one of the 5 projects listed under 'Pancham' which is an ambitious, synergy project of District 3131 and considered the Dream Project of District Governor Rashmi Kulkarni. Members of RC Pune Metro are distributing about 1400 face masks mainly to the needy people in their housing societies, offices etc. Total project cost is ₹25000/- More than 90% of the RC Pune Metro family have pitched in for this project. The Project was inaugurated on 3rd July with the distribution of masks at Deccan Gymkhana Vegetable Market at the hands of Rtn. Sheetal Shah, District Director - Service Projects, accompanied by RCPM President Makarand, First Lady Yogashree, Project Convener Ann Shubhada, secretary Vivek, Service project director Rtn Vandana, PP Neelkanth Joshi and Rtn Madhavi Chouhan. Other members of RC Pune Metro joined the project via Zoom meeting platform. This is the 2nd project of RC Pune Metro this Rotary year that began only on July 1st 2020.

Project Details

Start Date 01-07-2020
End Date 07-07-2020
Project Cost 25000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 100
No of direct Beneficiaries 1200
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment