Rotary 3131 - Project Details

11-07-2020 - 11-07-2020

A live interactive e - session on "Basics of Income Tax and Taxation of salary income with rules and examples" was arranged by Govt. College of Engg & Research, Avasari( khurd) in association with Rotary Club of Pune Metro and Shahane & co, CA on Sat 11th July. The lecture was delivered by Past President of RC Pune Metro Rtn Padma Shahane, CA and Kisan Pandule, CA from Shahane & Co. Background of Income Tax Act and calculation of income tax on salary income was explained in details. Various querries of viewers were explained in details with examples. Around 40 students, faculty members and professionals attended this informative presentation from various states of India.

Project Details

Start Date 11-07-2020
End Date 11-07-2020
Project Cost 10
Rotary Volunteer Hours 10
No of direct Beneficiaries 40
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Shahane & Co, CA; Govt. College of Engg & Research, Avasari( khurd)
Project Category -