Rotary 3131 - Project Details

06-08-2014 - 20-08-2014

i) Name of the Projects and avenue of work: Umbrella Distribution Project – 6th August To 20.08.2014 (Venue –All ZP Primary schools & Adivasi Schools in our area). ii) Need Assessment: Poor student couldn’t offered a single umbrella in rainy season. Whenever there is rain, student avoiding to go to school. By giving them umbrella, Absenteeism can be reduced. iii) Beneficiaries: All poor students from 1st standard to 7th standard from various schools. iv) Number of Rotarians participated and involved: 30 Rotarians 12 Annes, 5 Annets v) Other participant institutions (NGOs, Govt and /or Non Govt Agencies, Individuals etc): S.K.Automobile Mumbai & our all annes from RC Patalganga vi) Cost of the Projects and resources engaged: 138500/- Our Annes contribution & SK automobile both equal share in this project vii) Sustainability: Umbrellas will be used by student for school as well as their personal work after school holiday. Image of Club will increased in local community. viii) Enhancement of Public Image and publicity in Community: Mouth Publicity & contacting social worker & headmaster of schools, Teachers from Anganvadis. ix) Total Umbrella Distribution: 1004 Nos x) Speciality of this project- We distribute these umbrellas directly to student (beneficiary) that were present in school. All schools were under Zilha Parishad Primary Section. For this we traveled Approx.650 KM journey to & fro.

Project Details

Start Date 06-08-2014
End Date 20-08-2014
Project Cost 138500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 1004
Partner Clubs NA
Non Rotary Partners NA
Project Category Basic education and literacy